Make it Memorable

As we go about our day everything is real and alive. We see or hear something good and think we’ll remember. At the end of the day we may think about it, but what about the end of the week or month? However, when something goes wrong we, remember it so well it often makes a funny anecdote.

Why do we do that?

There are many thoughts on the subject, my personal. View is that normality fades in to insignificance, to make. Something memorable you need to get out of the norm.

So next time you want to remember get out of the norm and Make it Memorable.

Have a memorable day x

Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all

This song was written my Micheal Masser and Linda Creed and originally recorded by George Benson for the Muhammad Ali biopic The Greatest.

Muhammad Ali was a man who had great belief in himself, he considered himself to be The Greatest, and lived up to it. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself and your abilities why should anyone else?

How much do you love yourself?  How much do you believe in your abilities?

Don’t walk in anyone else’s shadow, keep your dignity and live as you believe, learn to depend on yourself.

Experience The Greatest Love of All

New year, new you? What’s wrong with the old one?

Seriously,  what is it that you want to change?

Often we have so many little things that we get confused, bogged down and end up not changing anything.  A good way to streamline your thoughts is to make a list of everything you want to change, then group them together into common themes.  For instance giving up smoking,  getting more exercise and loosing weight all come under the health banner, clearing debt, savings and investments relate to finances.

Consider the groups as a whole then decide which you want to do first, create an affirmation that sums it up and keep saying it.

So, if you want to concentrate on your health you could say “every day in every way I’m getting fitter and healthier”.

By working on your main focus you will find it easier to change the individual things listed within it.

Happy New You

New year, new you? What’s wrong with the old one?

Seriously,  what is it that you want to change?

Often we have so many little things that we get confused, bogged down and end up not changing anything.  A good way to streamline your thoughts is to make a list of everything you want to change, then group them together into common themes.  For instance giving up smoking,  getting more exercise and loosing weight all come under the health banner, clearing debt, savings and investments relate to finances.

Consider the groups as a whole then decide which you want to do first, create an affirmation that sums it up and keep saying it.

So, if you want to concentrate on your health you could say “every day in every way I’m getting fitter and healthier”.

By working on your main focus you will find it easier to change the individual things listed within it.

Happy New You

Enthusiasm moves the world, Arthur Balfour

Last week I helped a friend set up her own blog, since then she has posted most days and taken to the task with the same high level of enthusiasm that I had when I first started mine.

This made me wonder where it all went?

Sometimes in life we approach things with great gusto, full of enthusiasm, in the knowledge that this is the way forward.  Then the path meanders, small tracks appear which look interesting and inviting, our enthusiasm explores new ventures and moves it allegiance elsewhere, our once new and exciting love cools.

But who says you can only be enthusiastic about one thing?  There is no limit on enthusiasm, we can be enthusiastic about several things at the same time.

Think about your passions in life, inject a little enthusiasm into them and see where it takes you.

Sometimes you need to stand still before you can move forward.

So often these days I rush around with so many things to do, and many more thoughts in my head, that it all gets a bit muddled.

Have you ever tried not moving?

Keeping still is the best way I know to move on. Take a few minutes to sit, stand or lay down, find a spot to focus on and think only if that item. After a few minutes come back to reality, the first thought you have is the one which is most important to you at that moment.

It’s quick easy and free, why not try it today?

You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em,

Know when to walk away, know when to run.

Taken from The Gambler, sung by Kenny Rogers, written by Don Schlitz, country and Western songs are usually very philosophical and this is no exception.

Often we amble through life in the same way, doing the same things, not much wrong with that if it makes you happy, but what if you’re stuck in a rut?  What if you you want to walk a different route?  Maybe your life is so cluttered you can’t see the wood for the trees.

So what do you hold, and what do you fold?  If you feel like having a de-clutter how do you decide?  Think about when you last used them, what purpose do they serve, do they still fit into your life?

When do you walk and when do you run?  What is it you want to move away from, again, think about the purpose and how it fits into your life.

If you feel the need, why not start with one small thing and see how you go?


Has communication killed the art of conversation?

30 years ago if you wanted to communicate with someone you could write them a letter, call them on the telephone or talk to them face to face.  Since then technology has come a long way, we can email, text, post, tweet, to name but a few.  We can cross the boundaries of time, language and distance, but with all these forms of communication at our fingertips, has conversation paid the price?

These day we see groups of people huddled together, but they’re not talking to each other, the air is filled with technological beeps and the silence of concentration where they’re on their phone, texting, tweeting, emailing, posting or playing games.

30 years ago you couldn’t wait to meet up with friends and and have a good chat and catch up, these days you don’t need to wait, you can post it all on social media or put it in a blog like this one.

Using technology is a great way of getting the word out there to a wider audience but don’t forget to talk to the smaller one.

Time and Tide Waits for No Man, Proverb

Man, however, waits for anything, not just time or tide, we wait for people, development, openings, closings, food, releases, buses, the list is possibly infinite.

What ever happens time and tide keep moving at exactly the same pace, never changing, always constant, never waiting.

 So do we wait unnecessarily?  And what are we waiting for?
Many things we cannot control, some run on timetables for the masses or may take time to develop.  But what waiting can we control?  Is there a way of getting up and meeting things half way?  Can we take steps to make things happen when we want it?
Don’t wait if you don’t have to.
Get up, get out and live your life, on your timetable.